Wise Foods takes an innovative approach in providing dependable, simple and affordable Ready-Made Food Storage Meals. Most people agree that long-term food storage is important, but for a variety of reasons, don't feel as prepared as they would like to be. This can lead to frustration and in-action. Wise Company aims at eliminating these frustrations by making your emergency food supply dependable, simple, and affordable.
Smart Packaging
Our unique packaging adds value to our meals by protecting them better and making them easier to store and easier to prepare.
Nitrogen-Flushed Pouch: Wise Foods' ready-made meals are packed in airtight NITROGEN PACKED pouches. Our unique packaging process removes the majority of the residual oxygen by immediately packing nitrogen into the mylar bag. This in turn simplifies the preparation process by not having to first locate and then remove an oxygen absorber from each individual pouch.
Mylar Family-Size 4-Serving Foil Pouch: Our unique packaging also adds incredible value to our products by making it easier to store, eat, and further prolong the shelf life of each individual meal. Instead of using #10 cans - which when opened force you to eat enormous amounts of that particular food all at once to prevent rapid spoilage - we package each meal in its own separate mylar pouch, thus eliminating waste. It's basically a flexible tin can that gives you the ability to eat what you want, when you want.
Square Plastic Container and Grab-and-Go Handle: We take the safe-keeping of your food a step further by adding another layer of security placing these 4-serving pouches into compact, 4-gallon, square buckets that are very easy to stack and store. Because we don't waste space by using and boxing #10 cans Wise food storage is much more compact and takes significantly less space. Also, because the buckets are small and light, even children are able to grab and carry a month's supply of food, if needed. If you are placed in an emergency situation these buckets can also serve several other purposes, such as digging or disposing of waste.
Stackable Design: Each container is notched on the bottom to ensure stackability. In no more space than a washer and dryer takes up, you can store enough ready-made meals to feed a family of 6 for a full year.
Resealable Pull Tab Lid: Have you ever tried to open the lid of a 5-gallon bucket typically used for food storage? As you know it can be a real pain. Wise's unique bucket contains an easy-to-open, easy-to-close re-sealable pull tab lid.
"We just moved to Manhattan for two years while my husband goes to graduate school, and one thing I insisted on bringing with us was a three-month supply of Wise Food, which I'm stashing in different spots around the apartment. With a three-year-old and one on the way, it's comforting to know it's there in case of emergency." -Heidi Foss, New York, NY
Quick to prepare and easy to grab in the event of an emergency, Wise Foods has a survival strategy during times of disaster down pat. When food sources are limited, Wise products - all packaged in pouches - just need to be rehydrated and then can be eaten as-is. For efficient preparation at home or in the wilderness, a Wise pouch can be filled with hot water, and after sitting for 10 to 20 minutes, the food is ready to eat.
Aside from easy preparation, Wise Foods take up less space in your home, all while providing you with a long-lasting product. If, on the other hand, you need to evacuate, a bucket or more of Wise Foods can be taken with you.
Energy and nutrition shouldn't be given a second thought in times of emergency. Keep your strength up through a varied diet with Wise freeze-dried foods products.