From going camping to preparing for survival in the wilderness from disaster, have the right outdoor gear on hand. When it comes to relevant and quality gear, Survival Supply covers all the basics - and then some. If you are getting ready to go camping or want to bolster your disaster preparedness efforts, browse through our selection to find the right kind of outdoor gear.
Tents are a must any time an individual or group goes into the outdoors. Choose one large enough for your needs, and several sizes can be found through our store. For camping specifically, find portable picnic table sets and air mattresses to round out your supplies.
Food and light are important in the outdoors - both for survival and recreational purposes. For the right items, get both a cooler and a lantern from our store. Some of our coolers can even hold ice for up to five days in heat and are ideal for storing any non-dehydrated food and beverages. Equally necessary, a lantern keeps the full area lit and makes your campsite visible. Rather than depend on a single beam from a flashlight, illuminate the entire area with an LED lantern.
Aside from basic supplies, we carry outdoor camping gear for recreational purposes. If you are planning to go near the water, don't forget to have appropriate floatation devices on hand. Through our store, you can find boating vests for watercrafts and waterskiing and standard floatation devices. For having more than your standard camping food fare, prepare your meals with a barbecue kit. For cooking meats and other items on the grill, choose from barbecue tool kits and fork thermometers from our store.
Before heading into the outdoors, be prepared with the right supplies. Get all items needed for survival or camping for a few days from our selection of outdoor gear.